Princeton Missions

Our Daily Bread

Princeton UMC has a long history of partnership with Our Daily Bread.  Over 1,900 hot meals are prepared and served each year involving over 275 hours of volunteer service.  Money collected by our "Dime Ministry" and donations left at the altar on Communion Sundays is used to buy the food for these meals. Special collections such as  Sou-per Bowl Sunday also help support this hunger relief ministry.

Learn more about the story behind Princeton’s monthly DIME MINISTRY.

Clarke Middle School Community Partnership

Our friends at Clarke Middle School are always in need of additional school supplies and individual snacks throughout the year for students. We have faithfully partnered with Clarke Middle School and the Clarke County School District to help provide pencils, paper, backpacks, and snacks. We collect backpacks each summer for the preparation of going back to school, but school supply donations can be used year round.

There are additional ways to serve with our community partners at Clarke Middle School for volunteers. Please contact our staff to find out how you can serve!

Athens Area Emergency Food Bank

The congregation at Princeton collects canned food, empty egg cartons, paper grocery bags, and dollars to be given to the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank.  In partnership with our food collections, members of our congregation at Princeton UMC serve once a month on the fourth Thursday at the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank packing boxes of food for those in need within our community. You are invited to join us anytime!

Monthly Basket Ministry

Every month, we collect items for a different ministry to support the community of Athens. These opportunities create a way that everyone can participate in mission and service for our community. Items are collected in the Narthex of the church throughout the month to be delivered to our partner organizations in the community.

October Basket Ministry - The Memory Tree

The Memory Tree at Princeton United Methodist Church is a long standing tradition of adding leaves to our beloved Memory Tree as you share names of loved ones who have passed in the last year or in previous years. These names are then shared with our congregation and remembered on All Saints Sunday, November 3. We celebrate and honor each and every Saint who has touched the lives of our church members as we celebrate our connection to them among the communion of saints. Donations made to the Memory Tree go directly towards the church general budget.